You can check out default QBCore configuration file. ESX is the same
Config = {
QBCoreResource = 'qb-core',
EnableDatabaseOptimization = true, -- /!\ Make sure to have the primary key constraint set on your name column in coreinventories SQL table
-- Run this code if it's not the case `ALTER TABLE `coreinventories` ADD CONSTRAINT name_pk PRIMARY KEY (`name`);`
-- On your database. If you don't do this, you will create ton of duplicate inventory and we will not provide support on this
-- So please make sur to run this and ensure that name is become a primary key (you need to don't have duplicate name key in the database)
EnableCheckConstraint = true, -- When true, it will check if all SQL constriant exist or create it automatically
EnableDatabaseAutoCreation = true, -- When true, it will check if all the SQL table and constraint exist and create it if needed
DeleteInventoryIfEmpty = true, -- Delete ivnentory from database if their content are empty (not player content inventory, only others)
DefaultItemSizeX = 1, -- If item size is not defined this will be used
DefaultItemSizeY = 1, -- If item size is not defined this will be used
DefaultDurability = 100, -- If category has durability asigned this will be the default percentage (%)
ShootingDurabilityDegradation = 1.0, -- Higher the value faster guns will break
OpenKey = 'tab', -- The key to open inventory
DropShowDistance = 5.0, -- Distance where marker will be displayed for drop and storage
CloseAfterUse = {'lockpick', 'phone'}, -- Closes inventory if these items are used
EnableDiscovery = true, -- if true, Items need to be discovered with right click so they can be used
EnableDestroyItem = true, -- If true, Allow destroy option in adition of drop option. Will remove the item and can't be recovered
EnableDestroyOnAllInventory = false, -- if true, Enable destroy for all inventory, even if it's not the player inventory so player can destroy other player inventory when they search their inventory for example
SyncBackpacks = true, -- If you have a eligible backpack in your inventory it will add it on you as clothes
EnableBackpackIntoBackpack = false, -- Enable the hability to put backpack into backpack
DisableItemIntoItem = { -- Disable capability to set the item inventory into another item of the same category
ShownMetadata = { -- Metadata that will be shown in information of the item. For example idcard will show firstname and lastname
['firstname'] = 'Firstname',
['lastname'] = 'Lastname',
['birthdate'] = 'Date of birth',
['gender'] = 'Sex',
['height'] = 'Height',
['nationality'] = 'Nationality',
['type'] = 'Type',
['uses'] = 'Uses'
ShowItemName = true, -- Shows item's name in top right corner
ShowItemCount = true, -- Show item count in the stack (if it's stackable)
ShowItemAmmunition = true, -- Show ammunation load into the weapon
MoneyAsItem = true,
AccountMoneyAsItem = 'cash',
ItemMoneyAsItem = 'money',
DirtyMoneyAsItem = true,
AccountDirtyMoneyAsItem = 'black_money',
ItemDirtyMoneyAsItem = 'markedbills',
StartItems = {
['phone'] = {amount = 1, metadata = {}},
['bread'] = {amount = 3, metadata = {}},
['water'] = {amount = 3, metadata = {}}
SyncOldInventory = true, -- Syncs old inventory items (if there is enough space, most of the times it won"t be done)
-- LB Phone unique phone integration --
UsingLbPhoneUniqueItemFeature = false, -- Use unique item lb-phone feature
LbPhoneItemName = { -- item name
['phone'] = true,
-- Open Loot SETTINGS --
LootAppearTime = math.random(500, 2000),
CombineItems = {
['lockpick'] = {'iron', 'wood'},
EnableSecondaryWeaponSlot = true, -- If true, you will get two weapon slot, if false, you only get one weapon slot
EnableWeaponUI = true, -- Show weapon UI when weaon is pulled out
WeaponUIRight = 0, -- Position of the UI on right (0 = full right)
WeaponUITop = 20, -- Positon of the UI on top (0 = full top)
Use3DModelAlways = false, -- 3D model is drawn in the UI intead of using a camera
Use3DModelInteriors = true, -- Use 3D model only in interiors when camera can glich trough walls
BlurIf3DModel = true, -- Blurs everything around if using 3D model
HeightRecognizedAsInterior = -10, -- Most shells (interiors generated by scripts) are below ground. Set height which is defined as interior
ModelPosition = 1, -- 0 = Left, 1 = Middle, 2 = Right
StartFOV = 60.0,
EndFOV = 20.0,
EnableCameraEffectWhenOpenInventory = true, -- Enable the camera effect (motion) when you open the inventory
CameraOffsetStart = vector3(0.0, 0.8, 0.0),
CameraOffsetEnd = vector3(0.0, 6.0, 0.0), -- Offset from player while camera active
CameraTransitionTime = 400, -- Time in miliseconds it takes to transition from start to end offsets
EnableCameraVechileEffectWhenOpenInventory = true, -- Enable the camera effect (motion) when you open the inventory in a vehicle
CameraVehicleOffsetStart = vector3(-1.0, 10.0, 1.0),
CameraVehicleOffsetEnd = vector3(-8.0, 0.0, 1.5), -- Offset from player vehicle while camera active
VehicleCameraTransitionTime = 700, -- Time in miliseconds it takes to transition from start to end offsets
EnableCameraTrunkEffectWhenOpenInventory = true, -- Enable the camera effect (motion) when you open the trunk inventory of a vehicle
CameraTrunkOffsetStart = vector3(-0.1, 0.1, 3.0),
CameraTrunkOffsetEnd = vector3(-5.0, 1.0, 3.0), -- Offset from player using trunk while camera active
TrunkCameraTransitionTime = 700, -- Time in miliseconds it takes to transition from start to end offsets
EnableOverrideTimeAndSpotlightWhenOpenInventory = true, -- Enable / Disable the time change and the spotlight effect when you open the inventory
-- !!WARNING!! Make sure you have inventories created below for new clothing
-- You can comment each part you don't want to use as clothing.
-- Here is the required metadata that need to be put to the item to be display to the player character :
-- mID: Men clothing drawable id (
-- wID: Woman clothing drawable id (
-- mModel: Men clothing drawable model
-- wModel: Woman clothing drawable model
-- mTexture: Men clothing drawable texture/color
-- wTexture: Woman clothing drawable texture/color
-- mTorso: Men arms (the ones that glitch trough clothes, set it only on tshirt and torso items)
-- wTorso: Woman arms (the ones that glitch trough clothes, set it only on tshirt and torso items)
-- Props part (Hats / Glasses / Ears / Watchs / Bracelets ):
-- mPropID: Men prop drawable id (
-- wPropID: Woman prop drawable id (
-- mPropModel: Men prop drawable model
-- wPropModel: Woman prop drawable model
-- mPropTexture: Men prop drawable texture/color
-- wPropTexture: Woman prop drawable texture/color
DisableClothing = false, -- Disables clothing feature if you dont have a way to add clothing items with metadata and dont want to use core_clothing
InventoryClothing = {
['mask'] = {mID = 1, mModel = 0, mTexture = 0, wID = 1, wModel = 0, wTexture = 0},
['pants'] = {mID = 4, mModel = 15, mTexture = 0, wID = 4, wModel = 15, wTexture = 0},
['shoes'] = {mID = 6, mModel = 5, mTexture = 0, wID = 6, wModel = 5, wTexture = 0},
['accessory'] = {mID = 7, mModel = 0, mTexture = 0, wID = 7, wModel = 0, wTexture = 0},
['tshirt'] = {mID = 8, mModel = 15, mTexture = 0, wID = 8, wModel = 5, wTexture = 0},
-- ['vest'] = {mID = 9, mModel = 0, mTexture = 0, wID = 9, wModel = 0, wTexture = 0}, -- Uncomment this line if you want to have a vest hodler (only cosmetic won't add armor to ped)
-- ['decals'] = {mID = 10, mModel = 0, mTexture = 0, wID = 10, wModel = 0, wTexture = 0}, -- Uncomment this line if you want to have a decals hodler
['torso'] = {mID = 11, mModel = 15, mTexture = 0, mTorso = 15, wID = 11, wModel = 15, wTexture = 0, wTorso = 15},
['hat'] = {mPropID = 0, mPropModel = -1, mPropTexture = 0, wPropID = 0, wPropModel = 0, wPropTexture = 0},
['glass'] = {mPropID = 1, mPropModel = 0, mPropTexture = 0, wPropID = 1, wPropModel = 0, wPropTexture = 0},
['ear'] = {mPropID = 2, mPropModel = -1, mPropTexture = 0, wPropID = 2, wPropModel = 0, wPropTexture = 0},
['watch'] = {mPropID = 6, mPropModel = -1, mPropTexture = 0, wPropID = 6, wPropModel = 0, wPropTexture = 0},
['bracelet'] = {mPropID = 7, mPropModel = -1, mPropTexture = 0, wPropID = 7, wPropModel = 0, wPropTexture = 0}
-- color: Sets color of items in that category
-- takeSound: Sound used when item taken
-- takePut: Sound used when item put
-- durability: If added and set to true item will have durability
-- serial: If added and set to true item will have serial code
-- stack: If added and asigned a number items in this category will stack (Infinite stacksize is -1)
ItemCategories = {
["backpacks"] = {
color = "#62a859",
takeSound = 'take_fabric',
putSound = 'put_fabric'
["cases"] = {
color = "#8330ff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["misc"] = {
color = "#f2f2f2",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put',
stack = 2
["infiniteItem"] = {
color = "#f2f2f2",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put',
stack = -1
["uniqueItem"] = {
color = "#f2f2f2",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["money"] = {
color = "#118C4F",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put',
stack = 100000 -- Set -1 for infinite stack
["markedbill"] = {
color = "#6B8068",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put',
stack = 50000 -- Set -1 for infinite stack
["weapons"] = {
color = "#4ac3ff",
takeSound = 'take_gun',
putSound = 'put_gun',
durability = true,
serial = true,
["component_suppressor"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_scope"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_grip"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_finish"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_flashlight"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_clip"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["component_barrel"] = {
color = "#f77dff",
takeSound = 'take',
putSound = 'put'
["pants"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["watch"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["hat"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["mask"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["tshirt"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["vest"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["decals"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["accessory"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["torso"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["shoes"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["glass"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["bracelet"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
["ear"] = {
color = "#ff0088",
takeSound = 'take_clothes',
putSound = 'put_clothes'
-- slots: Amount of blocks/slots in inventory
-- rows: How many slots define one row
-- x: Where on screen initial inventory position is horizontally
-- y: Where on screen initial inventory position is vertically
-- alwaysSave: Saves inventory if its empty (used for saving position of inventory)
-- isHolder: Only used for inventories that will handle ONLY one item at a time (like weapon holder / clothing holder when you open inventory), most of the time you will set it to false.
-- restrictedTo: Restricts inventory to a category of items
-- discoverItem: When set to true, every time an inventory with this type will be open, the item will need to be discovered
Inventories = {
["small_backpack"] = {
slots = 20,
rows = 5,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "BACKPACK",
alwaysSave = true,
["medium_bag"] = {
slots = 48,
rows = 8,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "BAG",
alwaysSave = true,
["large_backpack"] = {
slots = 48,
rows = 8,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "BACKPACK",
alwaysSave = true,
["weapon_case"] = {
slots = 80,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "WEAPON CASE",
alwaysSave = true,
restrictedTo = {'weapons'}
["storage_case"] = {
slots = 70,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "STORAGE CASE",
alwaysSave = true,
["stash"] = {
slots = 100,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "STASH",
alwaysSave = true,
["small_storage"] = {
slots = 100,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "STORAGE",
alwaysSave = true,
["big_storage"] = {
slots = 150,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "STORAGE",
alwaysSave = true,
["weapon_storage"] = {
slots = 150,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "GUN STORAGE",
alwaysSave = true,
restrictedTo = {'weapons'}
["content"] = {
slots = 100,
rows = 10,
x = "20%",
y = "20%",
label = "POCKETS",
alwaysSave = true
["primary"] = {
slots = 10,
rows = 5,
x = "60%",
y = "20%",
label = "PRIMARY",
restrictedTo = {'weapons'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["secondry"] = {
slots = 10,
rows = 5,
x = "64%",
y = "35%",
label = "SECONDRY",
restrictedTo = {'weapons'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["mask"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "MASK",
restrictedTo = {'mask'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["hat"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "HAT",
restrictedTo = {'hat'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["tshirt"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "TSHIRT",
restrictedTo = {'tshirt'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["vest"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "VEST",
restrictedTo = {'vest'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["decals"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "DECALS",
restrictedTo = {'decals'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["accessory"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "Accessory",
restrictedTo = {'accessory'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["glass"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "GLASSES",
restrictedTo = {'glass'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["ear"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "EAR",
restrictedTo = {'ear'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["watch"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "WATCH",
restrictedTo = {'watch'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["bracelet"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "BRACELET",
restrictedTo = {'bracelet'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["torso"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "TORSO",
restrictedTo = {'torso'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["pants"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "PANTS",
restrictedTo = {'pants'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["shoes"] = {
slots = 4,
rows = 2,
x = "50%",
y = "20%",
label = "SHOES",
restrictedTo = {'shoes'},
isHolder = true,
alwaysSave = true
["drop"] = {
x = "60%",
y = "45%",
label = "DROP",
alwaysSave = false
["small_trunk"] = {
slots = 50,
rows = 10,
x = "60%",
y = "45%",
label = "TRUNK",
alwaysSave = true
["big_trunk"] = {
slots = 100,
rows = 10,
x = "60%",
y = "45%",
label = "TRUNK",
alwaysSave = true
["glovebox"] = {
slots = 10,
rows = 5,
x = "60%",
y = "45%",
label = "GLOVEBOX",
alwaysSave = true
SpecificTrunks = { -- Specific trunks for specific cars
['sultan'] = 'big_trunk',
Trunks = { -- Trunk inventories for each vehicle category (Recommended to add more diversity)
[0] = 'small_trunk',
[1] = 'small_trunk',
[2] = 'big_trunk',
[3] = 'small_trunk',
[4] = 'small_trunk',
[5] = 'small_trunk',
[6] = 'small_trunk',
[7] = 'small_trunk',
[8] = 'small_trunk',
[9] = 'small_trunk',
[10] = 'big_trunk',
[11] = 'big_trunk',
[12] = 'big_trunk',
[13] = 'small_trunk',
[14] = 'small_trunk',
[15] = 'big_trunk',
[16] = 'big_trunk',
[17] = 'big_trunk',
[18] = 'big_trunk',
[19] = 'big_trunk',
[20] = 'big_trunk',
[21] = 'big_trunk'
BlackListedVehicleClassTrunk = {
[8] = true, -- Motorcycle
[13] = true, -- Bike
-- DISCLAIMER : Inventory doesn't have build in store script.
-- The information you set here are JUST information.
-- When you right click an item and then click info and the store name, a waypoint is set on the map
-- Nothing more. You will need a store script to sell / buy the item at those locations.
ItemSell = { -- List stores with items that you can sell there
['pawnshop'] = {
coords = vector3(27.62, -1345.87, 29.50),
label = 'Pawnshop',
items = {
['goldbar'] = 500, -- Item and its sell price
['golchain'] = 50, -- Item and its sell price
['rolex'] = 1000 -- Item and its sell price
-- DISCLAIMER : Inventory doesn't have build in store script.
-- The information you set here are JUST information.
-- When you right click an item and then click info and the store name, a waypoint is set on the map
-- Nothing more. You will need a store script to sell / buy the item at those locations.
ItemBuy = { -- List stores with items you can buy there
['seveneleven'] = {
coords = vector3(27.62, -1345.87, 29.50),
label = 'Seven Eleven',
items = {
['snickers'] = 5, -- Item and its buy price
['water_bottle'] = 3, -- Item and its buy price
['phone'] = 500 -- Item and its buy price
-- coords: Place of storage
-- inventory: Inventory type used! Must be existing one from Inventories above
-- jobs: jobs/gangs that can access
-- prop: Prop name that will be placed if wanted
-- personal: Inventory is individual to everyone using it (not same items for everyone)
Storage = {
['departament1'] = {
coords = vector3(474.81, -994.62, 26.27),
inventory = 'big_storage',
jobs = {'police'},
prop = nil,
personal = false,
['departament2'] = {
coords = vector3(472.93, -995.32, 26.27),
inventory = 'big_storage',
jobs = {'police'},
prop = nil,
personal = false,
['departament3'] = {
coords = vector3(486.93, -998.25, 30.69),
inventory = 'weapon_storage',
jobs = {'police'},
prop = nil,
personal = false,
['mechanic1'] = {
coords = vector3(122.35, -3028.35, 7.04),
inventory = 'big_storage',
jobs = {'mechanic'},
prop = 'prop_toolchest_05',
personal = false,
['mechanic2'] = {
coords = vector3(126.89, -3008.64, 10.70),
inventory = 'big_storage',
jobs = {'mechanic'},
prop = 'prop_toolchest_05',
personal = false,
['ambulance1'] = {
coords = vector3(306.95, -601.39, 43.28),
inventory = 'big_storage',
jobs = {'ambulance'},
prop = nil,
personal = false,
Text = {
['waypoint_set'] = 'Waypoint set!',
['item_does_not_exist'] = 'Item does not exist',
['wrong_syntax'] = 'Wrong command syntax!',
['no_space'] = 'No space left in inventory',
['no_such_item'] = 'You dont have that item',
['no_such_key'] = 'You cant use this key!',
['no_player_close'] = 'No players close',
['keybind_set'] = 'Keybind set!',
['keybinds_cleared'] = 'Keybinds cleared!',
['inventory'] = 'INVENTORY',
['clothing'] = 'CLOTHING',
['weapons'] = 'WEAPONS',
['use'] = 'USE',
['attachments'] = 'ATTACHMENTS',
['drop'] = 'DROP',
['give'] = 'GIVE',
['discover'] = 'DISCOVER',
['info'] = 'INFO',
['keybind'] = 'KEYBIND',
['durability'] = 'DURABILITY',
['sell_it_at'] = 'SELL IT AT',
['buy_it_at'] = 'BUY IT AT',
['serial'] = 'SERIAL NUMBER',
['close'] = 'CLOSE',
['suppressor'] = 'SUPPRESSOR',
['flashlight'] = 'FLASHLIGHT',
['grip'] = 'GRIP',
['scope'] = 'SCOPE',
['finish'] = 'FINISH',
['clip'] = 'CLIP',
['barrel'] = 'BARREL',
['rename_item'] = 'RENAME ITEM',
['rename_item_title'] = 'RENAME ITEM:',
['rename_item_save'] = 'SAVE',
['rename_item_cancel'] = 'CANCEL',
['rename_item_done'] = 'Item renamed successfully',
['destroy_item'] = 'DESTROY ITEM',
['destroy_item_title'] = 'DESTROY ITEM:',
['destroy_never_ask'] = 'Never ask me again',
['destroy_item_save'] = 'DESTROY',
['destroy_item_cancel'] = 'CANCEL',
-- Notification Part
['notification_added'] = 'Added',
['notification_removed'] = 'Removed',
DefaultInventorySettings = {
inventorycolor = '#ffffff',
labelcolor = '#242424',
slotcolor = '#1f1f1f',
slotborder = '#3b3b3b',
slothover = '#ffffff',
durabilitycolor = '#a442f5',
autoplacing = true,
discovered = {}
function SendTextMessage(msg)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, 'error')
-- Default GTA V Notification
--exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('inform', msg)
Last updated