Check common issues to prevent contacting support
Always try clearing server cache and restarting the server to see if issue disapears
Rotate items with R key while holding
Quick item move shortcut while holding CTRL and clicking on item
Quick equip / desequip weapon, hold CTRL and click the weapon item
Splitting item while holding SHIFT and dragging to desired spot
Mouse wheel click to drop item
Holding shift + mouse wheel click to destroy item
Right click to open dropdown menu
Merge item dragging one on top of other
Combine item dragging one on top of the other one. If background is green then you can combine the item to create a new one, they need to have the same stack amount
Drag item anywhere empty on screen (and hold for a second) to quick drop
Drag item on character model (and hold for a second) to quick use
Update to the newest oxmysql
If you use mysql-async replace it with oxmysql
For slow time changing to normal and intense flashing
Remove your weather sync script
Or set Use3DModelAlways in config to true
I can't use any item in my inventory :
ensure that you start core_inventory at the end of your server.cfg in its own resource folder
Restart core_inventory everytime you restart a script that register useable item
Check for possible error in your items.lua (missing comma, duplicate entries etc.)
I can't put weapon in primary / secondary slot :
Add weapons as items in your items.lua / database
ensure that the category you set to the item in your items.lua / database is weapons with a s at the end
I can't pull out my weapon when I put him in primary / secondary slot (QBCORE) :
Ignore this if you use esx. This is to disable weapon protection since the inventory itself has one
Go to qb-anticheat/server/main.lua and change
Some of my script use GetItemBySlot method :
If some of your script use GetItemBySlot, with something like :
replace this code by :
Last updated