
1. Framework configuration

Don't forget to remove qb-inventory folder (if you use it) from your resource folder before restarting your server after these changes

If you used core_inventory version 1.4.1 or greater, please jump to 2. Framework functions

Add or Replace functions by these functions in qb-core/server/player.lua Note : All of these functions should be placed inside the CreatePlayer function

function self.Functions.AddItem(item, amount, slot, metadata, inventory)
        inventory = inventory or 'content-' ..  self.PlayerData.citizenid
        amount = amount or 1
        return exports['core_inventory']:addItem(inventory, item, tonumber(amount), metadata)
function self.Functions.RemoveItem(item, amount, slot, inventory)
         inventory = inventory or 'content-' ..  self.PlayerData.citizenid 
         amount = amount or 1
         return exports['core_inventory']:removeItem(inventory, item, tonumber(amount))
function self.Functions.ClearInventory(inventory)
        inventory = 'content-' ..  self.PlayerData.citizenid 
        return exports['core_inventory']:clearInventory(inventory)
function self.Functions.GetItemByName(item, inventory)
        inventory = inventory or 'content-' ..  self.PlayerData.citizenid 
        return exports['core_inventory']:getItem(inventory, item)
function self.Functions.GetItemsByName(item, inventory)
         inventory = inventory or 'content-' ..  self.PlayerData.citizenid 
         return exports['core_inventory']:getItems(inventory, item)
-- NOTE : This is a deprecated function, only work with qb-inventory by default
function self.Functions.GetItemBySlot(slot)
         slot = tonumber(slot)
         return self.PlayerData.items[slot]

If using new qb add the last function as well Note : This function should be placed inside the CreatePlayer function

 function self.Functions.SetInventory(items, dontUpdateChat)
        self.PlayerData.items = items
        TriggerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'playerinventory', 'SetInventory', 'blue', '**' .. GetPlayerName(self.PlayerData.source) .. ' (citizenid: ' .. self.PlayerData.citizenid .. ' | id: ' .. self.PlayerData.source .. ')** items set: ' .. json.encode(items))

2. Framework functions

Replace QBCore.Functions.HasItem in qb-core/server/functions.lua

function QBCore.Functions.HasItem(source, items, amount)
    local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    local item = xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName(items)
    if item ~= nil and item.amount >= amount then
       hasItem = true
        hasItem = false
    return hasItem

Replace QBCore.Functions.HasItem in qb-core/client/functions.lua

function QBCore.Functions.HasItem(items, amount)
    local isTable = type(items) == 'table'
    local isArray = isTable and table.type(items) == 'array' or false
    local totalItems = #items
    local count = 0
    local kvIndex = 2

    if isTable and not isArray then totalItems = 0
        for _ in pairs(items) do totalItems += 1 end
        kvIndex = 1
    for _, itemData in pairs(QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().items) do
        if isTable then
            for k, v in pairs(items) do
                local itemKV = {k, v}
                if itemData and itemData.name == itemKV[kvIndex] and ((amount and itemData.amount >= amount) and (not isArray and itemData.amount >=v) or (not amount and isArray)) then
                    count += 1
            if count == totalItems then
                return true
        else -- Single Items as String
            if itemData and itemData.name == items and (not amount or (itemData and amount and itemData.amount >= amount)) then
                return true

In qb-core/shared/main.lua, in QBShared.StarterItems remove all item

3. Global configuration

  • Add the image of your items in core_inventory/html/img folder.

  • All your images should have the same name as your items. For example, if you have an item called sandwich_bacon, the image name should be sandwich_bacon.png.

  • Only .png image are include in the FXManifest so be sure to use this extension for your images

  • Add default items that are included in ITEMS.txt file in your qbcore/server/shared/items.lua file or use the file with default qb-core item in it. Categories for weapon items are already set and the size of the weapon too.

  • For all your weapons items in your items.lua file, add category='weapons' (don't forget the s at the end of weapons)

Please make sure you set weapons with the s at the end

  • Add category to your attachmenst in items.lua too. The attachment need a category (search 'component_' in core_inventory/config.lua to find all the attachments categories like category = 'component_suppressor' for example) and a componentHash (like componentHash='COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'). The component hash list can be find here

  • for each items, configure the category, if you don't set category, the default apply by the script is misc

  • the stack property come from the category apply to the item. The default one apply is misc and the stack value is 2. If you want to increase / decrease this number, open core_inventory/config.lua and search for ItemCategories section. You can create a new category and then apply this category in your item.lua file with category = 'yourCategoryName'.

  • You can configure the ['x'] and ['y'] value for each item, x is the number column take by the item, y the number of row. The default value apply by the script is 1x1

  • For backpack item, you need to set the backpackModel (list can be find here) and the backpackTexture (default is 0 for each backpack model)

4. Money as item

in qbcore/config.lua, please make to modify moneytypes and dontAllowminus like this :

QBConfig.Money.MoneyTypes = { cash = 500, bank = 5000, crypto = 0, black_money = 0 } 
QBConfig.Money.DontAllowMinus = { 'cash', 'crypto', 'black_money' }  

In core_inventory/config.lua make sure to enable the money as item option and set the right account name in the option, for example :

MoneyAsItem = true, -- enable / disable money as item
AccountMoneyAsItem = 'cash', -- account name
ItemMoneyAsItem = 'money', -- item name

DirtyMoneyAsItem = true, -- enable / disable balck money as item
AccountDirtyMoneyAsItem = 'black_money', -- account name
ItemDirtyMoneyAsItem = 'markedbills', -- item name

Make sure to have the item money and the item markedbills in your items.lua and for each one make sure to have the right category (money for moneyitem and markedbill for markedbills item) :

money = { name = 'money', label = 'Money', category = 'money', weight = 1000, type = 'item', image = 'cash.png', unique = true, useable = false, shouldClose = true, description = 'Money' },
markedbills = { name = 'markedbills',  category = 'markedbill', label = 'Marked Money', weight = 1000, type = 'item', image = 'markedbills.png', unique = true, useable = false, shouldClose = true, description = 'Money?' },

Last updated